Wir über uns

Who am I?

It is difficult to squeeze all aspects into this little web-page but there are a few things that you should know about me:

I am a/an
- pilot
- air traffic controller
- engineer (Diplom-Ingenieur/Master in Electronic Engineering - Communication Systems and Laser Technology)
- security expert for security of air navigation services, including in-depth knowledge of aviation security and airspace security
- enthused researcher in the aforementioned areas
- ex carreer officer / 18-year veteran with the German Air Force
- family man and father 

In my spare-time I am a
- NFL maniac (ex american football player - now only TV watcher)
- PhD student (time-critical decision making in aviation security, hopefully finishing in 2011/2012)

There is a lot more - however, if you are requiring help in one of the topics or across several topics, please do not hesitate to contact me (c.f. email below; replace the '-at-' part with '@').

Rainer Koelle | rqkoelle-at-gmx.net